Love, Hate and Desire
Love, Hate and Desire
אבה, איבה, אהבה
Ahavah, Aivah, Avah
The Aleph (א) - The One - is the source of all Love, Hate, and Desire. These are the three quintessential characteristics that drive most if not all human behavior. Tellingly, the three Hebrew words for Love, Hate and Desire all derive from the same three Hebrew letters: ‘aleph’ (א=1), ‘bet’ (ב=2) and ‘hey’ (ה=5) plus a 'yud' (י=10) for Hate. The sum of these four letters is 18 which, in Hebrew, spells חי = Life.
Dimensions: 195 x 100cm / 78 x 40in
Materials: dry pastel on paper